Chad and I met with our celebrant last weekend. It was all fairly straightforward. We had to sign the Notice of Intended Marriage and fill in the details, to kick off the legal part of the process. We discussed the ceremony and bits and pieces. He explained that there are certain parts of it that are legally required, but otherwise it is fairly flexible.
We will be sent a sample format in the next couple of weeks and then we can really start thinking about what we wish to say and do.
It would be nice to have a reading! The celebrant suggested I Corinthians 13 as a standard piece. He read it to us but it is perhaps too formal. I think that something with a nautical theme would be great since Chad loves the water so much. There seems to be some ideas online and I might need to start trawling through my high school poetry books.
The celebrant will supply the table and chairs for signing the registry, but he does not use a microphone and speaker so we will need to organise the sound system for background music and the all important task of walking down the aisle!
We also need to start thinking about what music we will play. I would prefer something contemporary, but it has to be relevant as well. One thing for sure is that there will definitely be no Celine Dion!
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