My sister E put together a quiz for my guests. I had requested no silly games, as I tend to find them annoying when I attend these kinds of parties. Then again, maybe it was my chance to exact revenge and I missed out on the opportunity! Bummer.
At any rate, the following questions were asked. Two friends were tied on seven apiece and we went into the tie breaker. My favourite bra type was all that split the two in the end!
Kirsty Quiz
1. When was Kirsty born?
2. What is her middle name?
3. Favourite food?
4. Favourite type of tea?
5. Favourite TV Show?
6. Where did Chad propose?
7. Did he go down on one knee?
8. Where is the honeymoon?
9. Where are Kirsty and Chad building their new house?
10. How many nieces & nephews does Kirsty have?
Tie breakers
1. Where did Kirsty meet Chad?
2. What is her favourite charity?
3. What is her favourite underwear label?
A spring wedding. The Swan River. Fabulous food and relaxed ambience. Friends and family.
27 December 2010
24 December 2010
Kitchen Tea - the guests
My mother graciously let us hold my kitchen tea at her place. All of my bridesmaids have relatively small abodes, and it would have been quite tight with the number of people we were inviting. Mum and Dad have a fairly large covered area at their place and it was great in case of contingency - rain or sunshine and we were set!
Dad disappeared for the afternoon and left us in peace. He made sure to come home though while there were still cakes on the table...
Thank you to my lovely bridesmaids for all their hard work and effort at organising, and to Mum for letting us crash your backyard! A marvellous day was had by all.
E conducting the Kirsty Quiz. I will post it shortly - see how you stack up!

Guests busily trying to remember my favourite colour.

Chocolate or strawberry? Hmmm....

Mum wishing that she was allowed to enter. "I know all of these answers. I would win!"

My lovely sister and me.
Dad disappeared for the afternoon and left us in peace. He made sure to come home though while there were still cakes on the table...
Thank you to my lovely bridesmaids for all their hard work and effort at organising, and to Mum for letting us crash your backyard! A marvellous day was had by all.
E conducting the Kirsty Quiz. I will post it shortly - see how you stack up!
Guests busily trying to remember my favourite colour.
Chocolate or strawberry? Hmmm....
Mum wishing that she was allowed to enter. "I know all of these answers. I would win!"
My lovely sister and me.
23 December 2010
Kitchen Tea - the food
My bridesmaids organised a kitchen tea for me. Given my love of afternoon tea it was a given that I would appreciate something special! Bridesmaid N cooked up an absolute storm, and in the days before my kitchen tea she won awards for her baking at one of the local shows! I was privileged to have some of those award winning recipes baked for my day.
There were a few people who contributed to the tasty treats on the table. N was most prolific, with plates of biscuits, eclairs, fruit tart, cake, and cute cupcakes. M made curry puffs, sandwiches and a madeira cake. My MIL made two types of caramel slice, and P brought along her famous corn salsa dip.
We were all well catered for! To wash it all down were cups of tea and a fruit punch that Mum made.

My sister picked up these cake toppers in the US when she visited earlier this year.

Yum chocolate cupcakes with a burst of white!!

These gorgeous fruit tarts were the first to disappear. I only managed to taste one!

Award winning biscuits. Yeeha!
There were a few people who contributed to the tasty treats on the table. N was most prolific, with plates of biscuits, eclairs, fruit tart, cake, and cute cupcakes. M made curry puffs, sandwiches and a madeira cake. My MIL made two types of caramel slice, and P brought along her famous corn salsa dip.
We were all well catered for! To wash it all down were cups of tea and a fruit punch that Mum made.
My sister picked up these cake toppers in the US when she visited earlier this year.
Yum chocolate cupcakes with a burst of white!!
These gorgeous fruit tarts were the first to disappear. I only managed to taste one!
Award winning biscuits. Yeeha!
11 December 2010

We are caught up now between Christmas and New Year. The writing of thank you cards is a more laborious process than I had anticipated - I have written 20 out of 66!! Phew. And then Christmas cards to write and send...
Yesterday we picked up our proof book from our photographer. It is a weighty tome - 187 pages of photos. Wow! We also have a DVD of all of our photos at 12Mb (or maybe 12 Megapixels, I cannot remember what he said and I have not looked at the files). At any rate rather large! We have to choose around 100 photos for our album. That will be a job for after Christmas I think...
04 December 2010
Preserving your wedding cake!

After all of the hassles and running around that we had for our cake, C and I were very happy with the result! The lady who decorated our cake asked us to head out to her place (a 45 minute drive from home!) so that we could see it and let her know what we thought. We were happy to do so, although figured that there was not much that we could do the day before the wedding other than nod and smile if we did not like it!
We loved it! We were very happy with our cake and it surpassed our expectations. S had found a space for all of the icing flowers that Mum had purchased (which would make Mum happy!), and had added some colour through the use of blue and silver dots. I had been able to provide S with fabric samples from the dresses of two of our bridesmaids and she used these as a guide for the colour of the circles. She complemented the flowers with silver leaves and ended up using icing on the base of each layer rather than ribbon.
We did not manage to eat any cake on the day (tip: cut the cake early in the reception rather than towards the end, to give the kitchen time to cut it and serve it up!) and I made up for that the day after our wedding. Yum! I love fruit cake and this was extra special and rich, with dates and apricots and almonds and all sorts of good things. Only the bottom tier was cut, and not all of that served, so we have lots of cake to see us through the next few years.
As we were heading off onto our honeymoon the next day, we postponed preparing our cake for long term storage and ended up putting the two full tiers and remainder of the third tier into one of our car fridges. The warmest that we could set it to was 11C and so they sat in that environment for two weeks. This last week we scrambled around looking for containers large enough for each tier and ended up calling upon the services of my tupperware friend to find us something suitable. Yay!
Today we wrapped both up in two layers of gladwrap, then a layer of alfoil, placed them into the tupperware and into the deep freezer. Fingers crossed the tupperware will protect them from picking up any freezer smells. (They are in the bait freezer.)
I have read a few different websites with varying opinions on the best way to preserve the wedding cake, and also different opinions on the sucecss of freezing icing! At any rate we have frozen ours with the icing intact and we shall see how it goes. The response on this forum seems to indicate that freezing the icing should be okay, and our cake decorator also suggested that we freeze it. S had not had experience herself with freezing the cakes but she did tell us that it had been recommended by one of her colleagues, and also that she had issues with icing left out of the fridge/freezer going rancid due to humidity. S advised that the icing was more likely to go off before the cake!
01 December 2010
30 November 2010

I just unsubscribed to all of the wedding blogs that I never found the time to read anyway! It feel relief that I no longer feel that I have to maintain my subscription just in case they posted an idea that I would use.
I am still reading the blogs of fellow brides, I do enjoy reading their stories and ideas and ups and downs and seeing how they go through the process. It is nice to read about the joys and laughs of other brides!
Over the next week or so I will post pictures of our day and the bits and pieces from the leadup until our wedding. I still have to post photos from my kitchen tea and hen's night! Terrible. C goes back to work on Thursday so I should have a little more spare time to devote to documenting our wedding.
29 November 2010

We are back from our honeymoon (photos later) and a surprise waiting for us was a sample of the official photos from our wedding! So exciting! Yay!
I love C's blue cufflinks, they are such a statement. My sister E won them for him! Apparently his groomsmen were giving him grief about them however I put it down to their lack of fashion sense and style!
26 November 2010
Bridesmaid pretties
It seems that a common gift for bridesmaids is to give them the jewellery that they will wear on the day. I was hoping to give my bridesmaids something a little quirky that they might hopefully wear again, so I turned to my sister for ideas. She is usually good for items that are interesting and fashionable!
Her suggestion was the mini necklaces by Victoria Mason. These are beautiful charms and I had trouble narrowing it down to three! With a little more help from E I ended up selecting these three treasures.

Her suggestion was the mini necklaces by Victoria Mason. These are beautiful charms and I had trouble narrowing it down to three! With a little more help from E I ended up selecting these three treasures.

23 November 2010
A sweet thank you
Our bomboniere were fairly simple. I had tried to think of something creative and interesting and useful and gave up. It was back to chocolate, and in the search for simple E and I came across Whistlers at the Perth Upmarket. They were offerering a 90g block of creamy milk chocolate at a price that was within our budget and I could see that labelling them would be fairly simple. They fit the criteron for locally made, and although I am trying to steer myself towards fair trade chocolate I thought that our guests would be more appreciative of the local product.
At the time that we ordered the chocolates, we planned to use them as our individualised table name settings as well and it all tied in.
Mum and I went into the factory store to speak to Whistlers about ordering the bars, and see if there was a discount for ordering in bulk! Rina was very friendly and she suggested that they wrap the bars in coloured foil, rather than the cellophane of the trial block that E and I had bought.
We thought that this would be a great idea and selected two blues and silver to complement our bridal colours. The chocolates are made to order and this means that they we fresh for our guests!
I toyed with several ideas for labels - my original thought was to use parchment paper to print labels and wrap these around the bars. I then tried to think of ways to incorporate a swing tag style label, and to use our lovely chiyogami paper. In the end though I went back to the wrap around lable but used the vellum that we had made our invitations with. I printed a thank you message for our guests and Chad and I spent part of an evening wrapping and sticking them around the bars. They looked so pretty when we had finished!
21 November 2010
The morning after - part 2
The morning after
19 November 2010
Tying a tie
We're at the pointy end now, and the groom and groomsmen all need to look their best!
The only time that ties come out of the drawer in our house is for my work balls. Chad likes to do it right and we head straight to the internet for instructions on how to tie the perfect tie.
Here's hoping that they all manage the intricacies for the wedding, none of the boys are regular tie wearers so it will be fun to see how they go.
17 November 2010
Bucks and crays
A trip to Rottnest for the start of the Crayfish season (15th November here in WA!) seemed like the perfect platform for a bucks show. C and several of his mates went over on Sunday - four boats in total - for the start of the season on Monday. The windy weather meant that they were not able to access their usual spots and the haul was a measly 6 amongst the three of them who dove. There had been some shark activity recently in the area and not all of the boys were game enough to get into the water!
Rottnest is one of the places that I want to visit more frequently - we have the means to get over there and we can chuck our bikes onto the boat to get around once we are there. Maybe this summer...
16 November 2010
Cake giveaway
15 November 2010
Predicting the weather

Last year, on the same date as our wedding, it rained. I figured that the chances of it raining again this year would be slight, however the weather last week - 10mm of rain! - made me pause.
It seems that rain however is not on our horizon. The prediction is for 37C after two days of 36C!! I will definitely be keeping my eye on the weather but summer is a coming in and it will be hot hot hot!!
I am extra glad now that I avoided the meringues when it came to selecting my wedding dress.
12 November 2010
11 November 2010
Playing with flowers
10 November 2010
Nearly there - wedding dress!

Yesterday my bridesmaids (N, E & M), Mum and I met at the dressmaker's for their first and only fitting and my third fitting.
It was very exciting to see the girls in their dresses and the beautiful colours complementing each other. Gorgeous!
It was then my turn. I was very excited and my dress is looking so good! N hadn't seen me wear it before - only briefly on a shop dummy - whereas the others had been dragged into Hustle with me when I tried it on.
Yay! I am very happy and excited and looking forward to wearing it and I really hope that Chad loves it too.
We will all pick up our dresses next week (complete with zips and hemmed) and then it is just the big day that we have to wait for.
06 November 2010
Time flies...

How time does fly when you are having fun! Wedding highlights of this week:
I rang the lady who is decorating our cake to check to see if she uses marzipan. We forgot to ask her when we were discussing our cake, and she forgot to ask us! It is all good, she only uses marzipan if we want it, and we definitely do not.
She also now has our cakes - Chad's aunt dropped them off - and I look forward to seeing her interpretation of our cake. I have sent her some of the fabric from our bridesmaid dresses so that she can see what our colours will be.
We picked up Chad's wedding ring. It still felt too large for his finger however the lady said to give it a whirl as she thought that his hands were quite cold. After riding around the river after work yesterday he tried it again and it still slipped off easily. They are going to order a smaller one in for us and third time is a charm we hope!
While we were riding we stopped to look at our ceremony venue. It is looking lovely, with a nice coverage of greenery and plenty of space for our guests.
We had a meeting at our reception venue today, and went through the menu, wine list etc. It is all so easy! They will make up the seating plans and even personalise the menus so that we do not have to provide the seating tags. Pretty cool, eh? We are looking forward to good food and a great party!
02 November 2010

I have ordered our thank you notes! It is very important to make sure that you thank your guests for coming and sharing your day with them, and of course thanking your dear old aunts who could not make it due to health reasons/being out of the state/country but sent you half of their life savings anyway.
The image above, from Mokoh, graced the thank you cards that we sent out for our engagement party. I love the simplicity of the pattern! Mokoh Designs are made here in Western Australia and use papers from sustainable sources.
31 October 2010
Not too long to go...

My life at the moment is wedding, wedding wedding. With a bit of house! built in. It is all good fun and hopefully I will come out of the end of it unscathed. There is so much detail floating around in my head and I am worried that I will forget something. Eep!
A quick round up of the week...
I had another dress fitting! For the first fitting the dress maker Nici had made the dress from lining fabric. This time around she had stiched in the feature panel of my dress and it was starting to take shape! I was very excited, I can see now what my dress will be like. I am looking forward to the next fitting.
First stop was to the florist to pay the balance. Tick!
Mum and I had a big morning. We headed out to a couple of places in Belmont to pick up some detail. The first was to Sonboniere, a shop stocking all sorts of goodies for you to accessorise the perfect wedding, party, or anything! We had a goal in mind, and that was to purchase bags for wedding cake. There were many pretty things though to distract us from our task.
Next on the list was to head to Whistlers to pick up the bomboniere for the wedding. It was exciting to see and Mum now has custody of them until the wedding. Thanks Mum!
We are catching up with the celebrant today, to go over our ceremony and make sure everything is good! I have sent him the reading that we wish to have so that will be another tick in the box for confirmation and planning.
Chad and I are also planning to check out our ceremony venue today to remind ourselves what it looks like and we will go searching for a pair of shoes for him to wear. He wants to trendy himself up!
bridal outfit,
groom outfit
25 October 2010
RSVP update

Well... we did better than I had expected in terms of the RSVPS! The number of cards did not add up to the 60 I had originally counted, for various reasons, but we received 44 RSVP cards and 11 were not returned. That is exactly the 80% return rate that the optimist in me was hoping for. Wow!
Woo. So now that the numbers are in, we have to figure out who sits where. That will be fun!
24 October 2010
My silver shoes
Last Saturday I made it my mission to try to find a pair of shoes to Linda's specification. I started simple, and went to Harbourtown to see if I could grab a bargain. I found this pair in the first shop I walked into - Williams - and snapped them up. I did the rounds and came to the conclusion that I had the best of the bunch and moved on.
They are a bit higher than I am used to, so we shall have to see how I go! Today I spent an hour tottering around on them. It seemed quite strange to be hanging out the washing in a pair of heels. It probably does not help that yesterday and today I have been running up and down hills and stairs at King's Park and my calves are already tight! Still, all in the name of looking gorgeous.
C and I went to see the dressmaker Niky last week, and tried on our samples. It was all good fun! He didn't bring his trousers or shirt with him so we were guessing where the top of his trousers would be. It would not look the best if there is too much gap between his waistcoat and trousers.
I am definitely getting excited about it all. We just have to organise a few details and then the day will be upon us! I am looking forward to the party.
20 October 2010
Roses are white
19 October 2010
Bride on a budget

Lupinbunny of Black Swan Bride has given herself the challenge of planning an imaginary wedding with 100 guests for the princely sum of $8000! It will be fun to see how creative she has to be to keep the budget under control.
She is also located in Perth so I am especially interested to see what ideas and options she comes up with.
Check out her progress here. She has so far covered the budget breakdown, the invitations, the venue and the catering.
18 October 2010
Flower update

Chad and I went to speak to the florist a few weeks ago about our wedding flowers. She rang a few days later to say that she had been to her suppliers and they had confirmed that they would be able to source all of the flowers that she had quoted for us. Yay!
I am happy as I liked the original flowers and it means that I do not have to try and like another combination. I am not sure that I have the energy this late in the piece.
Project Wedding-ism

I was amused to see that the tip this morning for Project Wedding was a Guide to Household items that you will never use. I was intrigued to see what would be on their list! I am sure that for every significant event where there are lots of gifts there will be one or two that raise eyebrows.
The advice however seems to be more about cautioning the bridal couple not to go overboard with their registry, and actually to think carefully about what items they add to their list, rather than foreshadowing any scary gifts from friends and family.
Disappointment! I see that toasters were mentioned, as were toaster ovens. Mum used to have (and maybe still has) one of those! We would eat open toasted cheese sandwiches as children. Oh, memories of childhood.
17 October 2010
A little hiccup

Our wedding cake was to be simple. Fruit cake, with white icing and some flowers thrown in for good measure. It has turned out to be the most complicated part of our wedding.
I did some searching of the internet to find a style of cake that both C and I liked. I focussed on finding something quite simple. What I liked was a white cake, silver ribbon and cascading white roses.
From there it started getting complicated. We kept getting offered choices - what kind of flowers, what colour, what size, what type? There was pressure to match the bouquets and reception flowers to the cake and to match the bridesmaid dresses to the cake.
Phew. My mother came to the rescue for me and she bought us white roses and some ribbon for the cake. All seemed to be back on the simple track when we were derailed by the news that C's Aunt was no longer able to decorate our cake, less than six weeks until our day!
The cakes themselve were made months ago and so we did not want to look at the option of starting completely from scratch. Our path forward was to find someone else to decorate the cakes.
Thankfully his aunt had done some of the groundwork for us and had contacted a couple of decorators. So, we start again! We have spoken to one of the ladies and left her the flowers and ribbon and a few photos. We will not see the cake until the day so fingers crossed it will exceed our expectations!
12 October 2010
Reading inspiration

I had a bit of a break from trying to find a reading for our ceremony. With our date fast approaching I have had to get back to it!
What we are looking for is something that makes sense to C and I. There is a lot out there that is far too soppy for us and I was starting to feel despondant about my chances of finding a reading to suit C and I.
I was hopeful that the Bard would have something relevant in his repertoire, and came across this piece. You cannot go past a sonnet!
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
Oh, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to ever wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error, and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.
Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare
09 October 2010
Guest favours

After months of procrastinating, I finally ordered bomboniere for our guests! Mum has done some good work for us, talking to various local chocolate makers and I have been through a few concepts and ideas and we have found something now that will work for us.
Earlier on in the planning process I thought how nice it would be to give people something useful. I love a practical gift, and I strive to think of gifts for my friends and family that they can use, rather than throw in the back of the cupboard until the next birthday/Christmas and they need a present for Auntie Ethel.
A few ideas that caught my fancy included a small potted herb, or packets of vegetable seeds. I felt though that our audience for those gifts was quite small and would not necessarily be appreciated, and I could see those forlorn little plants sitting on tables of our reception after everyone had left.
So we have gone back to the tried and true of chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate! Yum!
Exactly what I have ordered though... I will let you guess.
06 October 2010
Bits and pieces

As our wedding draws closer there are more and more little details to organise!
Today we received our 30th RSVP card so now we have 50% return rate. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone on the day and sharing it with our friends and family. Truly. It is all starting to feel a bit real.
On Monday night C and I went to be measured for our wedding clothes. He saw the fabric that his waistcoat will be made from, selected the colour for the back of it and it all sounds really exciting!
Linda from Lin Pin suggested that my shoes were too heavy and that something strappier would suit my dress. I was a little disappointed as I am sure that she does not realise how much of a drag I find shoe shopping! Still, I will endeavour to go again and find a strappier style and I can always make my mind up on the day, right??
They are making up a sample of our clothes first before they cut the real fabric so that will be an interesting process to be a part of. We have maybe a month left in which to gain or lose weight, after that we risk not fitting our wedding clothes!
Bridesmaid ML is convinced that I will lose weight as the day gets closer and the stress mounts. I am not entirely convinced that this will happen - the weight loss I mean, I am sure that the stress will increase - so will be curious to see.
Last Friday I booked myself in for some pampering just before the big day - manicure and pedicure to tidy everything up. I am usually quite slack with these things but figured that everyone will be looking at my hands so I should make a bit of an effort.
I have had a wedding checklist pretty well since we were engaged and have been slowly ticking things off. Now that we are getting into the detail my list is inadequate and I am feeling quite scatty trying to hold all of the information in my head.
Need help. Must ask volunteer bridesmaid to sit me down and make me write list.
02 October 2010
Flowers at last?

Chad and I went to speak to the florist and pay the deposit for our wedding flowers! Unfortunately at least one of the flowers they originally quoted on is not available so it will be a bit of wait and see for our flowers.
I am very keen on the beautiful combination that we first settled on and am especially excited about the red banksia, so hopefully the available flowers will be just as pretty.
29 September 2010
Another return
We received another invitation "Return to Sender" today. That makes our list to two missing, and five unknown. Oh, and a total of twenty one returned RSVPs, so we are above my pessimistic baseline!
25 September 2010
Wedding music
I told my friend PH that I had (briefly) considered Also Sprach Zarathustra by Strauss as the song for my bridesmaids and I to walk down the path to.
She countered with the Imperial March. (Check out the head of the back cello in this video.)
I tried to explain the difference - Strauss had composed his music long before Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick had brought it to a popular audience, whereas the Imperial March was written specifically for a movie series. One choice was clearly much nerdier than the other.
I do not think that she was convinced.
If I was going to be sci-fi nerdy about it then Star Wars would not be my theme of choice - it would be Doctor Who!!
That would be really weird. I might as well have had a TARDIS wedding cake and made the groomsmen dress as Doctor Who monstors and the girls as companions, with a K9 ring bearer. Chad could dress as Tom Baker's Doctor and I could channel Romana.
Actually... come to think of it...
She countered with the Imperial March. (Check out the head of the back cello in this video.)
I tried to explain the difference - Strauss had composed his music long before Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick had brought it to a popular audience, whereas the Imperial March was written specifically for a movie series. One choice was clearly much nerdier than the other.
I do not think that she was convinced.
If I was going to be sci-fi nerdy about it then Star Wars would not be my theme of choice - it would be Doctor Who!!
That would be really weird. I might as well have had a TARDIS wedding cake and made the groomsmen dress as Doctor Who monstors and the girls as companions, with a K9 ring bearer. Chad could dress as Tom Baker's Doctor and I could channel Romana.
Actually... come to think of it...
24 September 2010
Shoes shoes shoes!

This evening after work I headed into the CBD, and tried to take in as many shoe shops (and shops selling shoes) as I could in my quest for bridal harmony. Zomp, Alannah Hill, Florsheim, Novo, Mimco, Nine West, Witchery, Zu, David Jones, Myer and more. I exhausted my knowledge and still failed to find inspiration.
I was somewhat more upbeat than last Saturday, as I have a secret weapon - a pair of much loved shoes that have been loitering in the bottom of the spare room wardrobe. They have been waiting for me to get around to taking them to a cobbler. This I did today and fingers crossed he can make them better than new. That will ease my shoe angst!
20 September 2010
Stationery First Aid
A big let down today. Eight of the invitations were returned, due to the address on them not being legible. I purchased envelopes that were 100% recycled and unbleached. The envelopes themselves are fine but I do not recommend printing on them.
I wavered between using the printer and handwriting, and in the end I printed since my writing is fairly scruffy. I also thought about sticking my address sticker on the envelopes but held off as it only has my name on it, and not Chad's.
Unfortunately the RSVP cards are doing the same - I printed directly onto the cards and they are rubbing off! I thought that it would be nice to have the RSVPs personalised - that is why I ended up directly printing. I tossed up ideas including printing the info onto a sticker and then sticking it onto the RSVP card, however I thought that there might be issues with people writing on the stickers.
Hmm, so a couple of lessons learned there!
Fingers crossed that the RSVPs make their way home. We now have a total of seven!
19 September 2010
To RSVP or not to RSVP

I decided to send out an RSVP card with our invitations. Mum said that I should get people to RSVP by phone or email, but I was keen for something a little more formal. Phone and in person can be forgotten, and emails would be okay for most of the younger crowd but I did not want to assume that everyone could use it!
My experience from the RSVP details that we put on our engagement invitations was that noone used the particular phone number that I put in and only six used the specific email address.
I designed a simple RSVP in the shape of the postcard. The names of the invitees have been printed on each RSVP and I have also added a stamp to each postcard so that noone can complain about the cost of sending it! The only effort is to tick a box on the card and post it.
I am curious now to see what the take up rate will be for this method of RSVP. The pessimist in me says I will have a 20% return. The optimist says 80%. We shall see! I am putting a gadget on my blog to keep track of the numbers.
18 September 2010
Shoe pain
Today I dragged my understanding and long suffering sister shoe shopping. Searching for shoes is one of my least favoured tasks and we tried many different areas in our quest!
We started at Harbour Town, then moved to the Claremont and Subiaco areas and finally to Georgie's Bridal Shoes in West Leederville.
No real luck and after I dropped E at home I headed to Garden City to see if I could find some inspiration. (I was feeling too cheap to pay for parking in the city so instead I drove an extra 12km to the shopping centre. Hmmm.)
No luck there either although I did buy some undergarments. I thought that I would try a few different ones to see what would be most comfortable to wear on the day.
We came up with a few shoe ideas. Georgie's Bridal Shoes had a few styles that I could cope with, although they had the price to match! Most promising were Nina "Culver" in silver and Pink "Mist". For an extra $20 the Pink shoes can be made in a number of different colours.
I shall have to scour the city next Saturday (or tomorrow if I feel enthusiastic enough!) and hopefully I can come up with something.

Image 1, 2
We started at Harbour Town, then moved to the Claremont and Subiaco areas and finally to Georgie's Bridal Shoes in West Leederville.
No real luck and after I dropped E at home I headed to Garden City to see if I could find some inspiration. (I was feeling too cheap to pay for parking in the city so instead I drove an extra 12km to the shopping centre. Hmmm.)
No luck there either although I did buy some undergarments. I thought that I would try a few different ones to see what would be most comfortable to wear on the day.
We came up with a few shoe ideas. Georgie's Bridal Shoes had a few styles that I could cope with, although they had the price to match! Most promising were Nina "Culver" in silver and Pink "Mist". For an extra $20 the Pink shoes can be made in a number of different colours.
I shall have to scour the city next Saturday (or tomorrow if I feel enthusiastic enough!) and hopefully I can come up with something.

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