As our wedding draws closer there are more and more little details to organise!
Today we received our 30th RSVP card so now we have 50% return rate. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone on the day and sharing it with our friends and family. Truly. It is all starting to feel a bit real.
On Monday night C and I went to be measured for our wedding clothes. He saw the fabric that his waistcoat will be made from, selected the colour for the back of it and it all sounds really exciting!
Linda from Lin Pin suggested that my shoes were too heavy and that something strappier would suit my dress. I was a little disappointed as I am sure that she does not realise how much of a drag I find shoe shopping! Still, I will endeavour to go again and find a strappier style and I can always make my mind up on the day, right??
They are making up a sample of our clothes first before they cut the real fabric so that will be an interesting process to be a part of. We have maybe a month left in which to gain or lose weight, after that we risk not fitting our wedding clothes!
Bridesmaid ML is convinced that I will lose weight as the day gets closer and the stress mounts. I am not entirely convinced that this will happen - the weight loss I mean, I am sure that the stress will increase - so will be curious to see.
Last Friday I booked myself in for some pampering just before the big day - manicure and pedicure to tidy everything up. I am usually quite slack with these things but figured that everyone will be looking at my hands so I should make a bit of an effort.
I have had a wedding checklist pretty well since we were engaged and have been slowly ticking things off. Now that we are getting into the detail my list is inadequate and I am feeling quite scatty trying to hold all of the information in my head.
Need help. Must ask volunteer bridesmaid to sit me down and make me write list.
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