After all of the hassles and running around that we had for our cake, C and I were very happy with the result! The lady who decorated our cake asked us to head out to her place (a 45 minute drive from home!) so that we could see it and let her know what we thought. We were happy to do so, although figured that there was not much that we could do the day before the wedding other than nod and smile if we did not like it!
We loved it! We were very happy with our cake and it surpassed our expectations. S had found a space for all of the icing flowers that Mum had purchased (which would make Mum happy!), and had added some colour through the use of blue and silver dots. I had been able to provide S with fabric samples from the dresses of two of our bridesmaids and she used these as a guide for the colour of the circles. She complemented the flowers with silver leaves and ended up using icing on the base of each layer rather than ribbon.
We did not manage to eat any cake on the day (tip: cut the cake early in the reception rather than towards the end, to give the kitchen time to cut it and serve it up!) and I made up for that the day after our wedding. Yum! I love fruit cake and this was extra special and rich, with dates and apricots and almonds and all sorts of good things. Only the bottom tier was cut, and not all of that served, so we have lots of cake to see us through the next few years.
As we were heading off onto our honeymoon the next day, we postponed preparing our cake for long term storage and ended up putting the two full tiers and remainder of the third tier into one of our car fridges. The warmest that we could set it to was 11C and so they sat in that environment for two weeks. This last week we scrambled around looking for containers large enough for each tier and ended up calling upon the services of my tupperware friend to find us something suitable. Yay!
Today we wrapped both up in two layers of gladwrap, then a layer of alfoil, placed them into the tupperware and into the deep freezer. Fingers crossed the tupperware will protect them from picking up any freezer smells. (They are in the bait freezer.)
I have read a few different websites with varying opinions on the best way to preserve the wedding cake, and also different opinions on the sucecss of freezing icing! At any rate we have frozen ours with the icing intact and we shall see how it goes. The response on this forum seems to indicate that freezing the icing should be okay, and our cake decorator also suggested that we freeze it. S had not had experience herself with freezing the cakes but she did tell us that it had been recommended by one of her colleagues, and also that she had issues with icing left out of the fridge/freezer going rancid due to humidity. S advised that the icing was more likely to go off before the cake!
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